
Twitter sec memories #1 [01.02.15]

Моя подборка тулз и заметок по ИБ в одном посте #1
(наиболее интересное что накопилось за пару дней)

  • ICS Security. [Tools, tips, tricks]

Репозиторий посвященный безопасности ICS.

  • Threat Killer

NoVirusThanks Threat Killer is a fully-scriptable malware remover that is able to remove persistent files, kernel drivers installed by rootkits, registry keys and values, terminate processes (even if critical), delete an entire folder (also using recursive) and much more by executing custom scripts.

  • FastIR Collector - Windows Incident Response Tool
This tool collects different artefacts on live Windows and records the results in csv files. With the analyses of this artefacts, an early compromission can be detected.


  • MassBleed SSL Vulnerability Scanner
alt tag

sh massbleed.sh [CIDR|IP] [single|port|subnet] [port] [proxy]

  • SELKS (ELK) [iso/vm](Suricata Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana)
SELKS is both Live and installable Network Security Management ISO based on Debian implementing and focusing on a complete and ready to use Suricata IDS/IPS ecosystem with its own graphic rule manager. From start to analysis of IDS/IPS and NSM events in 30 sec.

Via torrent: SELKS-2.1-desktop.iso.torrent
Via HTTP: SELKS-2.1-desktop.iso.