
CentOS yum groupinstall

yum grouplist
yum grouplist | less
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum groupinfo "Web Server" | less

yum groupinstall "Web Server"
yum groupinstall "MySQL Database client" 
yum groupinstall "MySQL Database server" 
yum groupinstall "PHP Support"

You can also combine groups in one command. So you could type the following command, and then go for coffee:

yum groupinstall "Web Server" "MySQL Database client" "MySQL Database server" "PHP Support" -y

There are a few other Group commands that are worth knowing about:
  • yum groupremove "Group Name" – will remove all of the packages in the specified group (but does not remove the dependencies, that would be bad).
  • yum groupupdate "Group Name" – updates the packages in the specified group (yum groupinstall would do the same thing)